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Small Employer (1-50 employees) Eligibility Requirements


BCBSIL requires an employer to employee at least employee to be eligible, other than the owner, even if waged.


An employee is considered to be a part-time or full-time W2 or 1099 employee. Only those working at least 30 hours a week will be eligible for coverage


Business owners (including their spouses) are not considered employees when determining eligibility even when receiving W2 wages, however they are eligible for coverage as long as there is an additional employee.


The business has no employees, however, the business is established as a Partnership, and this includes husband and wife partnerships.  BCBSIL is the only carrier that will consider husband and wife Partnerships when there are no employees.


LLC's with no employees that file taxes as an S Corporation are not eligible unless there are employees other than the spouse of the Shareholder, or unless there is another Shareholder (Non Spouse).

S Corporations with no employees are eligible when there is more than one Shareholder.

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UHC requires that an employer employ at least one full-time W2 or 1099 employee at time of policy issuance.  Business owners (including their spouses) are not considered employees when determining eligibility even when receiving W2 wages, however they are eligible for coverage as long as there is an additional full-time W2 or 1099 employee.


The business is established as an LLC partnership or S-corp with 2+ owners (Shareholders must be "active" with the company), even if there are no other employees. A business owned solely by an individual and his or her spouse, with no employees is not eligible for coverage with UHC.

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